Friday, December 12, 2014

Import already registered computers or Users in SCCM 2012 using a file to a collection

How to import already registered computers or Users in SCCM 2012 using a file a file to a collection. It’s easy to import a computers from a CSV file with NetBIOS name and MAC address but importing computer which are already registered to console is bit difficult. There are situations when a collection needs to be created and no query seems working in those situation a manually add resource option is left out which is time taking.

To automate/import registered computer to a collection using a file, I followed below steps which seems to be working for me…

Create list of computer which needs to be imported then have them comma separated using below steps and finally add resources to the collection.

The objective is to arrange it in a comma separated way so that it can be imported in a single shot rather doing one by one.
Output should be username01, username01 etc.
Now select the collection Right click à Add resources à Copy computer names (comma separated) under Name String Contains à SearchàSelect allàAddàOK.

Refresh the collection and should be populated with computers shortly.

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